Friday, April 16, 2010


I guarantee you that this will not last! I will not post after every game since they have games twice a week.
Levi's team won 8-0.  I did not get a lot of good pictures of him but I promise to try better next week.  Here is a nice one of him and his coach right before he sends him back in after a water break.
Shelby played the goalie position the first quarter and this is her before I confiscated her gum.
It had rained right before Levi's game, an hour earlier, but the sun had come out for the game.  By the half time break the clouds had started to roll back in and it got cold fast.

Garrett started Track and Field this week so that is one more thing...  Thankfully I have a close friend who's son is with Garrett and who's daughter is older but has soccer practice the same as the kid's games so we make arrangements to get the kids to the places they need to be.

Seth is getting the hang of his medication he started a couple of days ago. We have not heard back yet about when the insurance will approve the growth hormone. So hopefully we will have a slow, uneventful weekend and we hope you do too!

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