Saturday, October 11, 2008


Has it really been over 2 months since I last posted on here? Well a lot has been going on. The painting and floor is finished in the Living, Dining and Kitchen-grouting. Steve fell at work the end of July and tore 2 muscles in his rotator cuff. He is scheduled for surgery on Friday to re-attach the muscle and repair a bone where arthritis is setting in due to the accident. My migraines have improved. They changed my medication and I quit using all artificial sweetners. I hope that is the fix of it! We had a great day today at the Civil War re-enactment at Norskedalen. We have missed it the last few years because Garrett had football games. Did you see Seth's pants are a little short? He might have even grown a bit this summer! Dave & Dena met us there. The view was beautiful. Not bad for taking them out the window while driving 60 miles an hour huh? The cow at the end of the slide show, the boys begged me to take her picture....

1 comment:

Casey said...

Looks like you had a good time. Nice cow...only your boys would want a picture of it!! :)

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