Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Ok, to start with....Steve is back to work. They have him doing paper and computer work at the Elroy office. He cannot wait until life is back to normal but work is work. He goes to therapy twice a week and continues to follow the doctors orders of his home therapy. He is finally starting to sleep again. I think working has helped that. When he was home he slept a lot during the day which made him not sleep at night.

My migraines have improved. I continue to take the meds daily. I have also had to change my diet drastically, which I HATE! I had to give up all artificial sweetners and other things because they where now "drawn" into my allergy realm and were causing a lot of my migrianes. Even a half of a pack gives me a migraine. Poor Levi made me a glass of ice tea on Sunday afternoon and put in a half of a pack like he usually does. One small sip gave me a migraine for 2 days. I am still also trying to figure out what I can eat with the stones too. Saturday I spent pretty much the whole day in bed with galstone and kidney stone pain. I did lots of reading and found that flax seed tea and sweet potatoes helped settle the galstones but the kidney stone is not going to pass at the size it is (over 6mm-1/4") The doctor said it is not interfering with my kidney funtion so there is no need to see him again. (Can you see the confused look on my face!?!)

Now on to better (and more interesting) news. Garrett, and the rest of the band, had a concert on Monday night. I just could not get a good picture of him. Steve was in pain, as the not so smart (I did not say stupid!) part of him tried to clap after the first song (DUH!). Any way as I was looking at the flyer I noticed a few kids had * next to their names. There were just 5 names out of all of the band members and Garrett was one of them. He is a nominee for the Honor Band. He did not even know. The bummer is the Honor Band concert is the same day as a pizza party he wants to go to. Hopefully they are at different times and he can still make it to both.

Yes, I know these are not good pictures, but the fish just will not stay still! I had to clean the tanks yesterday. In the 55 I found 4 baby Red Zebra Cichlids about a month old. I had to totally empty the Convict Cilchlid tank. Remember they had about 50 babies in July and boy are they messy. Here is what I have left. They are getting pretty big, so if you want some speak up now! Kaleb said he is getting ready to filet a few (and he does not eat fish).

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