Monday, June 18, 2007

New Pool

So my kids are already bored. Yes, I tell them never to tell me they are bored, they will be sorry! I have suggested starting school already for next year but by the time I turn around they are long gone. I had promised them I would buy a new liner for our pool at the beginning of the year. It was one of the things we had planned on getting with our tax refund. Since we have had so many struggles with the rental we have not spent money on anything until we are covered with new renters (one down, one to go). So last week I decided the kids need a liner, of course our pool is no longer made....and this one was only $50 more than the liner was last year. So thy got a new pool. Shelby and Levi start swimming lessons the end of next month. Until them Shelby has a suit with a flotation device built in. I took this picture from the deck. Kaleb has asked if he could dive off the deck. Can you guess my answer?!?!

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