Saturday, November 17, 2007

Heath & Lois' Car

Well, Heath called on Thursday night and told me Lois had been in a car accident and he was on his way to get her. She was banged up but was ok. The car on the other hand did not make it.

So here are the pictures of what Casey now looks like. Heath told me that Casey was now dead. For those of you who do not know the real Casey. She is our un-daughter now very close friend. She kind of joined our family when she was about 13 and I was expecting Garrett. How did the car get named after her you ask? Well, when she was in college someone gave her a car. It needed some repair. Steve offered to work on it for her. One night we came home from church and there was a white car in our driveway. We live back in the woods so to have a car here kind of freaked me out. So we rushed in the house, locked the doors, grabbed a gun and called the police. Well, he came and ran the #'s and said the car belongs to a Casey -----. It became a standing joke in our house.

So a short time later, after Steve took Heath's truck into a tree, we had to go car shopping for Heath. We found a nice little white car (pictured above but in much better shape). It had some slight issues. Now Heath was about 10 when Casey came into our lives, so they grew up like brother/sister. Since the white car/police situation and what he called his new car with an attitude he decided to name his car Casey. This car took him back and forth to Camp Chetek, College and many trips to Wyoming to visit his now wife Lois plus their first 1 1/2 years of married life.

So this is the end of Casey, the car. Many memories! Keep Lois in your prayers as she is hurting pretty bad still! We are sooo very thankful she did not get hurt any worse. We love her way too much!!!

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