Monday, March 3, 2008

King Kong

Ok, so early last week we get a call for the upstairs renter. There had been this little dog in the yard all week and was crying all night. They cannot have pets in the house and they were leaving (truckers) on the road this next week. So they called us and asked if we could take care of it. Levi and Shelby fell in love with it. The pound could not take it until after lunch so it spent the day in the living room in a box. Sydney was so good. I thought for sure she would freak out when she saw Levi carrying it in and out of the house. They named him King Kong since they thought it looked like a gorilla. I thought it was one ugly dog. It had a horrendous under bit so all you could see of it's face was it's bottom teeth.

1 comment:

Casey said...

I have to agree with you...that is one ugly dog!

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