Saturday, March 29, 2008

Levi Mauston

Levi had a tough year. I was trying to tell him that Garrett had tough years too. Levi was ready to quit. I asked him if he thought Garrett was a good wrestler. He, of course, said no. So then I had to rephrase it and I asked him that if this guy sitting next to me was not his brother, would he think he was a good wrestler? He then answered yes. :) I reminded him that a few years ago Garrett had some big struggles and that we where just pleased if we went home and he was not pinned. Levi lost all 3 of his matches but did not get pinned! Rejoice in what is in front of you! If you look at the pictures, the boys he wrestled today loved to do the double chicken wing. One boy even sat while doing it which is an illegal move. His arms are hurting today.

Levi's year end record was 6 wins:15matches Out of his 6 wins 4 were pins.

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