Saturday, March 22, 2008

State Wrestling

Here are the 4 boys from our club who made it this year.
Garrett-#115, Myles -#105, Christian-#110, Heath-#110
Garrett placed 7th
Myles and Heath lost their first 2 mathces (double elimination)
Christian placed 3rd

Here is the crew and their coaches warming up...why are none of them moving around?
Match 1

2 very tired young men! Garret lost this match 3-0 This boy placed 6 all around

Match 2

Garrett wrestled hard and came out a winner this match. He won 5-0.
Match 3

This match, again, went very well and Garrett pinned him in the 3 round. In the end of the second round the ref had his hand in the air ready to slap the mat and time was called before his hand came down.

Match 4

We all agreed that there is no way this young man could be in the 6th grade or born in 1995! We were all joking that we saw him shaving between rounds. Oh, well Garrett had the verse "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me" taped inside his head gear. I saw him take off his head gear numerous times and read the verse when they broke. He knew that if God wanted him to win it would happen. This is where God wanted him to end up and 7th place in the state is nothing to be ashamed of. Speaking of broke, this young man broke Garrett's nose. He had a habit of smacking him in the nose when ever they were head to head. Garrett has already had his nose broke 3 times so he knows how to deal with it. The other boy placed 4th all around. He wrestled the match 1 boy for 3rd and fourth place and won.

Here are the three boys right before heading home. They are in front of the Alliance center. All three of these boys have been home-schooled there whole lives. I am very thankful that God has placed such fine young men in our lives!

1 comment:

Casey said...

Wow 7th place....Great job Gar!!!!

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